The TNI is a successful and popular programme for English language teachers in the MENA region designed to help them develop professionally. The focus of the programme is on the understanding, knowledge and skills required for online and blended teaching.
The programme has three components:
The Ask Hala webinar series which runs on a monthly basis and provides practical input on remote teaching skills and draws on the British Council’s free-to-use resources hosted on our global TeachingEnglish website.
Alongside the Ask Hala webinar series, learning gain is encouraged through support provided to the strengthening and development of communities of practice (CoPs) – small groups of teachers who are learning together. This support is provided in two ways: firstly, a training course for CoP leaders (CoP leader support programme) to help them set up and sustain CoPs; and secondly suggested content to be used during CoP meetings. This content is based on learning resources called Professional Practice Pathways.
Large-scale online events which bring together participating teachers and CoP leaders from across the region to share experience, case studies and ideas, and to discuss research insights and current challenges and opportunities connected especially to remote teaching and learning.