An open call for applications for our Gender and Climate Grant.
Gender and Climate

What we are looking for
We present here summary information, please refer to the briefing document in the downloads section for full requirements.
We are looking for proposals that aim at advancing the knowledge of young leaders (male and females) on gender and climate, as well as means for positive interventions to promote gender equality, equity and leadership in combating climate change challenges.
The grantee organisations are committed to improving institutional capacity and processes that foster collaboration with UK organisations (NGOs, universities, or private entities) in order to deliver joint project activities that emphasise cultural exchange and collaboration between Egypt and the UK.
The joint activities may include, but are not limited to, one or more of the following while keeping the work focused on the agreed-upon scope and benefits (Gender and Climate).
- Increase Young leaders’ (male/female) skills needed to identify community challenges related to Gender and Climate challenges, engage with peers in UK and enable them to present their ideas to policy makers through Policy dialogue forum.
- Implement Collaborative Social Action Projects addressing Gender and Climate challenges (Women’s leadership in combating climate change/ impact of Climate Change on Women and girls).
- Increase the capacity of young Leaders (Male and Female), by devoting expertise to promote effective gender and climate response and mitigation. Through Conducting workshops/trainings.
Minimum number of beneficiaries/participants to be reached per organisation: 100 participants (50% Female participation)
We present here summary information, please refer to the briefing document in the downloads section for full requirements.
We encourage applications to form partnerships that build upon and take advantage of organisational strengths and meet the following requirements:
- National/non-governmental/private sector working on fostering gender equality in combating climate change challenges in Egypt and the UK. Registered organisations and companies will have to submit the requested documents according to the system in Egypt.
- Registered organisations or entities working in Climate change, Gender Equality, and/or Social Development sectors.
- Applicant organisations must include at least one partner organisation in the UK.
- A physical presence and operations (registered office) in Egypt. The organisation/association/institution should be registered with the relevant Ministry or Office as per local requirements.
- Registered organisations or entities must have a registered business bank account.
- Organisations that applied as grantees for similar projects in 2021 are invited to apply again for 2022 provided they can demonstrate that they will engage new participants in the programme.
- Extensive experience working with groups from different social, economic, geographic or religious backgrounds – the submission needs to show commitment to equality, diversity, inclusion and child protection principles.
- Experience in managing similar projects. (Managing and organising big events, financial management, monitoring and evaluation tools from previous events.
- Experience in financial and budget management, including financial reporting.
- Applicants should demonstrate that they have taken into consideration the local context in both countries, including climate change priorities.
- Successful applicants may be invited to participate in additional showcase opportunities and British Council alumni programmes in the future.
- Successful applicants will be required to maintain regular communication with the British Council, offering project updates and supporting the project monitoring and evaluation.
Please note that due to local legislation restrictions, any potential suppliers have to be able to enter into a contract for services with the British Council and have a national bank account in the name of the organisation/institution they are applying for. Individuals as either lead or collaborator are not eligible to apply.
Subject to any changes notified to potential applicants by the British Council following the Application Conditions, the intended timescales applicable to this Selection Process are:
Starting the application submissions 13 October 2022
Deadline for clarification questions 17 October 2022
British Council to respond to clarification questions 19 October 2022
Deadline for application submission 22 October 2022
Final Decision 24 October 2022
Successful applicants informed and grant agreements issued 25 October 2022
Project and activity window 01 November 2022 and will end on 31 March 2023. Grantee organisations must deliver all activities by 15 February 2023 and submit a final narrative and financial reports by 05 March 2023.