Going Global Partnerships
Going Global Partnerships is about working together internationally to ensure that higher education meet the needs of our societies, economies and students.
Going Global Partnerships is about working together internationally to ensure that higher education meet the needs of our societies, economies and students.
Five years ago we helped establish a modern English language centre at Al-Azhar University in Cairo.
یمثّل ھذا المشروع ردّة فعل مباشرة تجاه الأزمة السوریة بھدف تمكین الشباب السوري من بناء مسارھم المھنيّ بالتطرّق فورا إلى احتیاجاتھم في مجال التّعلیم.
The British Council’s first symposium on employability was launched as a response to growing unemployment levels. Unemployment levels have reached 27% in the Middle East. Read the research..
The National Teacher Training Programme aims to improve the teaching and training practices and raise the level of English language and pedagogical ability of English primary teachers.
Join the 'Schools where all students thrive' campaign, where teachers, parents, and communities come together to create inclusive, supportive learning environments for every child, regardless of ability. Explore resources, take action, and help shape a brighter, more inclusive future for education in Egypt.
Science Changes Lives. We are supporting scientific research collaborations and exchange between the UK and Egypt.