Our creative economy programme works with policymakers, institutions, and individual creative people. We recently organised The Creative Initiatives and Cultural Policies Cairo Forum, the forum brought together creative economy experts, policymakers, and cultural enthusiasts to explore the dynamic field of creative economy and to consider practical ways of growing the creative economies of Egypt, Africa and other North African States and encouraging partnerships between them. Already recognised as one of the faster growing elements of the global economy, and with exceptional growth predicted for much of Africa, the creative sector helps to build economies that are fit for the future, sustainable, offer fulfilling opportunities to women and young people and enable communities to celebrate their cultural traditions and talents.
The forum was an excellent opportunity to draw on case studies and policy initiatives from across Africa, Asia and the rest of the world and discussing significant topics corresponding to Intellectual Property, Intermediaries, skills and education in the creative sector.
The Creative Economy programme focuses on building networks and supporting collaboration, for long-term impact, mutual benefit, and greater international understanding. By working with policymakers we support their work at a strategic level, ensuring the conditions are in place for creative individuals and organisations to grow, reach their potential and effect relevant, sustainable change.
We work as a global team, with a Directorate in the UK focusing on strategic opportunities and relationship building with UK-based professionals. Our creative economy programme is driven by specialist colleagues in over 30 countries around the world, who draw on their own knowledge and networks to shape relevant activities and impactful partnerships.